In the near future, expect to spend less time servicing your car as automobile servicing systems are elevated to the next level. Technological advances mean that your local technicians will soon know a lot more about what ails your vehicle, before you even speak to them.

Upgrading The Telematics

In recent years, a lot of the guesswork has been taken out of the equation as complex telematics system built into modern-day vehicles have enabled a technician to simply "plug-in" and find out what's wrong. Devices created by the car manufacturers interface with the on-board electronics system, so that a quick diagnosis of the problem can theoretically get you on your way just a little bit more quickly.

The Wireless Age

However, a number of leading manufacturers are testing devices that will circumvent the need to plug this device into the vehicle, as the necessary information will simply be transmitted wirelessly between the vehicle and the service office without any direct intervention.

In this new system, the driveway of the service centre becomes the Wi-Fi hotspot. As soon as the client enters the driveway, the car will effectively dock into the dealer's Wi-Fi network and communicate all the relevant information to the central computer. The technician will be able to instantly pull up the vehicle history, the client details, the service threshold and refer to any displayed fault codes. The software will likely prompt the mechanic's course of action and will also display whether or not a necessary part is in stock. In due course, systems such as these will integrate with complex parts supply databases, in order to predict what parts are needed by individual dealerships with a higher degree of accuracy.

Modern cars are of course becoming very technologically advanced and are far more akin to a computer on wheels. As the auto manufacturers are invested in creating a better experience for their clients, so they are also intent on taking the uncertainty and guesswork out of a visit to the service centre. Therefore, the more automated the process, the better.

Privacy Concerns

Many consumers are worried about the spread of data and how this may affect their privacy. Is it possible that information relating to your driving habits, and where and when the car is being driven, could be used for "other" purposes? The auto manufacturers will need to assure consumers that the data is being closely managed. Data privacy laws will need to be reviewed by government watchdogs as the system is emerging and becomes more widespread.

Ask a mechanic like Quickstop Brake & Clutch Centre what technologies they are currently employing for more information.
